
As the end of the year approaches, why don't we kickstart learning English from scratch?


Hi guys, how are you going? As the end of the year approaches, why don't we kickstart learning English from scratch? Yes of course, you want to travel around during this festive season, right? However, it is important to keep in mind the fact that we could fully concentrate on one thing like English during the season, because outdoors tend to be very noisy, whereas indoors like around your study desk should be very quiet. So, we can potentially enjoy the silence, which makes us feel like we're gonna do something, instead of going out all the time relentlessly.

Speaking of which, why you don't want to study English seriously? The reasons behind this are twofold: One is "I can't master English grammar; another is pronunciation. Both of them are not that unsurmountable problems, obviously. First of all, all you need to do are master pronunciation, and then grammar. This order is the key to success, because how you say it is by far more important than what you say. Yes, indeed, speaking too wonky English isn't great, but having a lot of mispronunciation is problematic to make people understand properly. In a nutshell, you should get your pronunciation right. Mastering pronunciation is not so hard. I reckon it's rather much simpler than grammar rules, because English has just 44 sounds, which consist of 20 vowels and 24 consonants. And, most English learners can pronounce two-thirds of them, because Japanese has got thier sounds or the similar ones at least. So, you just need to pay a little bit attention to some particular sounds to master the entirety of English pronunciation.

On the other hand, when it comes to grammar, it takes a while compared to pronunciaton, simply because there are more things you ought to remember. However, mastering grammar also isn't that complicated if you can pronounce all 44 sounds of English accurately. For instance, when you purchase a grammar textbook, many of you guys tend to read them and write down the same explanations or important points without reading them aloud repeatedly. The reason being, you can't pronounce them properly, and so you think it's better to jot them down to memorise, which will be ok in the short run, but it's going to result in a big loss in the long run. The big loss means that spending too much time for writing them down, but in the end, such efforts tend to be in vain in terms of not just time and effort but also paper's cost as well.

I can teach you how to learn English properly and streamline it. If you are keen on this, then please hit me up, so that there will be more possibility of you not having difficulty mastering them within a year or two.

Thanks for flicking through my usual ditty. Catch ya later, mate.