Characteristics of English learners who are good at reading

G'day mate, how are you? Today, I am going to talk about the characteristics of English learners who are adept at reading. Personally, reading is my favourite thing to do when I am free. What about you? Do you love reading English books or online news? It's extremely important for English learners to read books. Of course, someone has a good ability to speak English without much reading, but normally it can rarely been seen. If you are intrinsically talented, go for it! But, otherwise, reading is crucially important to boost your vocabularies and overall reading skills as well. Let's explain who are sort of good at.

First of all, you are good at reading if you've already acquired all basic etymologies such as prefix, suffix and word roots

Having acquired these, you shouldn't be petrified with unknown words, because you might be able to predict the meaning of the word and which type of speech, or even word roots. Probably you don't need to consult English-English dictionary very often. Checking words too often hampers your reading speed, comprehension and learning training. You should discipline yourself in a 'not-rely-on-dictionary' condition.

Second, you are good at reading if you can enunciate each phrase and sentence without having a significant problem in terms of read aloud and internal monologue practice

You can read books or journals more smoothly if you don't have any issue about pronunciation. Pronunciation is everything for English learning. Good pronunciation makes your learning so much easier. Of course, even if you are not good at pronunciation, you're still be able to read English, but no practicality involved as you're struggling to speak and listen, which will certainly block the further development of your English learning journey.

Third, you are good at reading if you can do a slash reading like you know when to pause, when to not pause, and I mean, where SVO ar

It' hard to follow English language sentences without understanding the whereabouts of S(ubject)V(erb)O(bject). It depends on how good your grammar knowledge is. If you know many phrases, parts and dependent clauses, then you reckon it's fairly easy to read without stopping many times during reading. The more you are knowledgeable about grammar rules, the more accurate and faster you'll be able to read English sentences.

Fourth, you are good at reading if you've been learning the definition and usage of new vocabularies in English only, not being interfered by your first language

If you persist having a look at an English-Japanese dictionary, for instance, every time, it's difficult to remember the English definition and usage, in part because the definition and usage of the word in Japanese has a great impact on you. You, then sort of rely on your first language's definition. I know it sometimes works out well, but I am saying, even if so, your learning speed and effectiveness will undoubtedly decelerate further. It takes double time if you count heavily on your first language's interference. Understandably, you might need it in the beginning, but you should gradually move on to a 'no-need first language's assistance phase'.

Last but not least, you are good at reading if you're able to peruse English sentences without feeling stressful

Not good at all if you feel stressful when you are reading English sentences. This stress might have come from poor vocabularies, lack of grammar rules, mispronunciation, and the first language-led interference. Conversely speaking, if you don't have any problem at all in terms of these aspects, you are excellent at reading! Of course, it'll take a lot of time, but it's not impossible to master this level in 6 months from scratch.

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That's all for today. Thanks for reading.

Have a beautiful start of the new week!