
Early-bird fresh market


G'day, we went to the Epic Farmers fresh market earlier this morning. It was really fun hanging around. We've got some veggies, fruits, honey, and many others. Oh, and personally I grabbed one of my favourite breads, which is a piece of almond croissant. Although it was a fairly expensive like seven bucks, the taste was assured. As compared to other normal shops or bakeries, this fresh-market one seems much fresher and yummier.

Anyways, we've got perhaps enough tuckers over the next week. It's going to be much trickier than we thought when it comes to purchasing essentials in this hardest period of time. However, when we got there, it was incredibly surprising to see so many people sticking around. Although it seemed they were trying to keep practising social-distancing, most of them were chatting together and spreading droplets as usual. I hope it was alright. hahaha

By the way, this Epic farmers fresh-market has a long history, I reckon. It was perhaps held in 2004 for the first time. Backing in February 2005, I came to Canberra starting my study-abroad program. It was a so memorable period. I still remember I was about to go there with some mates, but unfortunately I missed out due to my hectic study schedule at that time. Ever since I missed out, I have never had an opportunity to visit this fresh market as of this very today. Instead, I went to Kingston Depot market twice. That's what I've experienced when I was in Canberra before moving back here from Wollongong.

Now, I've become a kinda entrepreneur, so I'm working as an English tutor and consulting stuff online. I have relatively ample time for challenging different things from scratch, which is awesome for me! However, as you know, now is a bit harsh period for everyone to go out for entertainment due to the intensification of the earth-shaking Covid-19. Nevertheless, I can still enjoy inside the house such as reading books, learning new languages, harvesting a patch veggie garden, as well as definitely teaching!

That's all for today! Thanks for reading.

Stay safe and take care.