How to effectively utilise today's AI tech as a means of boosting your English skills?

G'day, how are ya mate? Today, I am going to talk about how to effectively utilise today's AI tech as a means of boosting your English skills. Some of you guys have already partially or fully utilised the AI tech for your learning. I just want to share my views with you. It might help a bit at least. Let's begin, shall we?

If you wish to refine your English pronunciation, then one of the AI techs such as voice recognition soft or website incredibly helps detect your weak sounds pretty much accurately

As I've introduced and mentioned before, Google API Chrome Browser is one of the best ones I've ever used, and I'm still using this website as a teaching tool, actually. Other interesting ones would be like "Speechace": This one tests your very basic skills, but it might help correct all key sounds. Please try this if you reckon you might still have much room for improvement with regard to the 44 sounds of English pronunciation. There are several categories you might want to try. Here is the sample:

For instance, if you think vowels are your weak sound, then just click Vowels 1 and here there are some levels you can try:


And one more I want to share with you is "Voicenotebook": This one is also intriguing! You can copy and paste some phrases or full sentences here, and registered AI native-like voice will read them aloud on your behalf, and then you record yourself, simultaneously your voice is going to be dictated by AI. If you pronounce correctly, then all what you said will be dictated by AI pretty accurately.

Today's AI tech motivates you to study English more than ever before as heaps of websites try to give you scores, tips and the sense of gamification

Today's AI has become more intelligent than ever before, obviously. And, not just the precision of the tech, but also seriousness and entertainment levels as well. You can learn English like playing soccer, cycling or game, so it's fairly easy for you to keep yourself motivated. The reason is that many good websites offer you scores/percentage of your performance, some tips how you could improve, and the sense of gamification. For instance, "Duolingo" is one of the interesting ones I want to show you:

This one tests your CEFR level based on your writing skills. I've just tested now and sorry please ignore the content of what I've typed, because this is just a pice of rubbish. But, I just wanted to show you how it works. So, it says this writing level is B2. As you can see, the left side is my writing, and the right side is the result. It's interesting to see this sort of result and which words are which level of CEFR.

The more you utilise the AI tech for English learning, the more you feel output training will be needed, which is a crucially important point whether you could improve the English language or not

Someone tends to underestimate the accuracy of today's AI tech, but, in fact, the tech level has incredulously more advanced than you might think. If you are just using normal paper-based English learning textbooks, then that's alright, but it's a bit hard to keep you motivated. This is simply because that learning from books only tend to be very monotonous and tedious for many of English learners, so that you are most likely to give up learning.

But, as I mentioned earlier, learning English using the AI tech is like kind of playing games. You are going to feel like I want to continue to learn because it's just interesting and exciting. This sort of sense of gamification is critical to improving and developing your English skills, especially spoken and written competencies. In this respect, the AI tech is going to be your friend at home. It sounds like living a desolate life, but no no, this thinking has already become obsolete, or the 90s has-been.

As the AI tech has further revolutionised, learning languages, especially English will become increasingly more necessary

You reckon the meaning of the subtitle should be reversed or contradictory? No no, absolutely not at all. In my opinion, it is highly unlikely that the AI will become a perfect simultaneous translator in the next 20 to 30 years at least. Even if this hypothetical thing is realised, the AI cannot have the sense of human's emotion. Let me stop this argument here, because many experts presumably want to rebut the slightest possibility of attaining this objective. Anyway, let me be back to the main point. The reason why I think it'll become more significant is that we'll just have more opportunities to see and utilise more various types of the AI techs for English learning, so I reckon the more the AI advances further, the less paper-based learning styles we'll depend, and the more the sense of gamification people will embrace to defeat the AI tech.

That's all for today! Thanks for reading.

Have a good one!