How to kickstart English study

First of all, English learning will be a long journey for pretty much everyone. No one can entirely master it until one dies. Although it's a bit extreme opinion, that's undeniably true, depending upon what level you're aiming for. Just basic conversational level? Business level? Quasi-native level? Or even complete native level?

For me, English learning is one of my life-time events, I reckon. You should also be like that? Well, anyway, how are you going to approach English language study? Here are my tips:

① Mastering IPA 44 English pronunciation: You can download some materials out there. If you cannot find any good one, please let me know, so that I can help you find one. Refining your pronunciation is critical for every learner to make people understand properly. Although some people tend to underestimate the importance of mastering proper pronunciation, I totally disagree with this kinda notion. I know some native speakers having used to understanding non-native-prone mispronunciations don't really care about how you're gonna say, but it's obviously not good for them. No native speaker wants to strain every nerve to connect the dots every time.

② Mastering English grammar via using "Grammar in Use Intermediate" or if you are not even confident about this level, then you should approach "Essential Grammar in Use". Both of them are simply great stuff! They just contain all the necessary grammar rules, basic phrases and vocabularies demonstrated by some clear illustrations. So, even if you think I have no English knowledge, you will easily get the hang of essential grammar rules within a short period of time.

③ Mastering English etymology: Prefix and Suffix, the former of which means the meaning of the word origin such as "anti-, un-, dis-, im/n-". Something like that. The latter means that you can identify which part of speech it should be, such as Verb? Adjective? Adverb? Noun?

Once you've mastered the above three stages, you'd want to boost the practicality of English, which means that you're gonna be 60% inputting and 40% outputting in your daily life. Now you can kick off more practice using an online chat with a native speaker. Or if you live in an English-speaking country, you can do so everyday. The balance between input and output is crucially important not only to be able to develop your overall performance, but also to boost your long-term memory.

If you have any questions regarding the above methods, please don't hesitate to contact me via email or just leave your comment below.

I'll see you soon.

Thanks for reading today! Have a great day!