How to know you're fluent in English? (vol.2)

G'day mate. How are we? Today, I am going to continue to talk about how you notice that you're already a fluent English speaker. It's very useful to know the exact moment when you can realise. Let's get started!

  1. Use a wide range of vocabularies - Not only are you able to use a lot of synonyms or antonyms freely, you're also able to use them appropriately depending on the topic you are talking about. This is already an advanced level. Many ESL students are using the same words or expressions repetitively, which is kind of boring. For listeners, it's a bit tedious to hear that. Once you've memorised new vocabularies, try to use them forcefully first, and then you'll gradually get used to the correct usage as you practise regularly.
  2. Can speak a wide range of topics in regular conversation - You can talk about a variety of subject matters such as current affairs, politics, economy, finance, (sub)culture, tourism, weather, etc. The wider knowledge you have, the more fluent you will be, and the better you will have a head for speech.
  3. Can speak coherently under time pressure - Sometimes, you are forced to conduct your presentation at Uni or in business. If you think you are good at presenting yourself with a good time management and logical structures, then you are already fluent in English. For fresh learners, it's extremely difficult to speak coherently in a strict timed condition as you might need to think about grammar, searching for a word and presumably translating into your own language first.
  4. Not afraid to speak to native speakers - When you've got out of comfort zone, you're already fluent in English. Not always though, but you're highly likely to cope with a free conversation without a worrying thing. Almost everyone can be petrified with the overwhelmingness of native speakers' talks first. You can't catch up with their speed, intonation and accent, or maybe vocabulary including slangs, colloquial proverbs or jokes. It's ok, even native speakers don't know something once in a while, which is normal. But you just try to grasp the gist of what they are saying, which is a very important skill in speaking.

To be continued

Thanks for reading today!

Have a lovely Friday!