How to master English grammar from scratch?

G'day mate. How's it going? Today, I am going to share my English grammar learning method with you guys. I do understand not many learners love learning grammar as it takes a long time to comprehend it thoroughly. But, I've got a simple learning method to master English grammar.

Step 1 - Grammar in Use (starting from Essential, but depending on your level)

Please don't remember any grammar jargon. No need to know such grammar terminology. What you should do is to read basic concepts of each chapter and pick up one sample sentence as your starting point of memorising a sentence structure and grammatical formula. By the way, I am planning to publish a more superior grammar text surpassing the quality of 'Grammar in Use series'.

Step 2 - either Write or Speak the sample sentence

Next, you should either write or speak the sample sentence that you've picked up. But, ideally making your own sentence using the sample sentence structure is so much better. And, instead of writing, speaking is much more preferable to acclimatise yourself with a variety of grammatical sentence structures within a short period of time. Writing is, for me, really time-consuming, and also the purpose of learning grammar might turn to "the habit of writing itself", which is not good at all.

Step 3 - practising all types of sentence structures via "Ondoku" (Read Aloud)

Once you've understood how to use all types of sentence structures, you start practising "read aloud" to get immersed in learning oral English skills. As long as you do this practice continuously, you should be able to master English grammar naturally.

When it comes to more specific instructions of how you're gonna go through those steps, don't hesitate to contact me via email or leaving comments here.

Thanks for reading today!

Have a lovely day, everyone!