
How to use online English-written Newspaper as your friend in the most effective way


G'day mate. How are you doing? Today, I am going to talk about how you can use online English-written newspaper as your friend in the most effective way. The use of newspaper is the only English-learning purpose, so input learning should specifically be separated. Let's begin, shall we? The Process 1 - Choose your interesting topic from the category at the top of the page This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screen-shot-2020-05-14-at-9.11.48-am.png Please have a look at the above image. You can see News, Opinion, Sport, and much more. If you want to challenge a new topic, then please do so. Click the category that you want to browse. The Process 2 - Skim the headline of each article for a few minutes.

You should start skimming the headline of each article for a few minutes. How should you do so? Well, it's dead simple. You just browse and read whatever you can see such as illustrations, pictures, cartoons, heading sentences and small gists. Once you've done this process, then you should be able to get the hang of roughly what each article is about.

The Process 3 - Choose one article you are interested in, and peruse it in 5 minutes

Having chosen the article, you start perusing it in 5 minutes. Not only should you comprehend the content per se, but you should also try to pick up some keywords and intriguing phrases including colloquial expressions, proverbs or in some cases slangs. Although I don't recommend jotting them down on your note, you may do so if it's necessary. Ideally, you don't interpret or translate the sentences into your own language. Please read it as you follow in English. Don't worry about the extent of your overall comprehension. It won't take a toll on you. Just do train yourself.

The Process 4 - Read it aloud , simultaneously record yourself for 2 minutes approx.

You start recording yourself and read it aloud at the same time. Assuming you've fairly understood what the article is about. So, you should be able to read it aloud in a meaningful way. What do I mean by this is this: You know where exactly SVO, dependent clauses, connected devices, comma, (semi-)colon, and full stops are; you can do a slash reading with a good rhythm. Don't worry about checking your recording after you've done. Listening to the recorded voice and analysing it later on. Just give it a shot first!!

The Process 5 - Give an impromptu speech about the article

Having recorded yourself, you start talking to yourself (improvisation). You may want to see your notes if you wish. It should be done in approximately 2 minutes. How are we going to do? It's also dead simple. Just summarise what you've read. It doesn't matter whether you will say like dot points, full sentences, story-retelling, reporting or even like an academic writing.

For instance, here is a piece of the sample summary:

The article said that in London low-income earners are struggling to commute to their work, whereas their immediate managers or bosses are working from home, which is unfair and very risky for employees. The article underscored the importance of...continued until 2 minutes up!

No one virtually listens to what you are presenting, so you should be confident in speaking. Ideally, recording your impromptu speech as well, so that you can compare it with your recorded read aloud voice.

If you embark on these 5 processes four times a day, then you'll be able to spectacularly improve your speaking and reading skills. You just need to have an hour only!! If you need some help, please contact me so that I can offer you the best of the best English program for boosting your speaking and reading skills. Undeniably, you can improve your listening and writing skills as well throughout my program.

That's all for today. Much appreciated you having a flick through my blog!

Have a lovely day!