
It's a kinda hectic day


G'day, I've been quite busy since this morning as I had to check my students' performances, lecture a few students as well as feeding my house owner's chickens. Feeding chickens is quite fun for me nowadays. They love devouring very greenish and fresh grasses and leaves.

So, I am writing this arvo. I'm really happy to do my current work as pretty much every month I can meet new students and help them boost their English skills as well as pass the PTE exam. This is one of my quintessential tasks. But at the same time, I will have to say goodbye to some students who've successfully completed my program or passed the PTE exam, so it's a bit sad moment, but I'm always stoked about someone kicking off their new journey in Australia. That's exactly what I'd like to see. I really appreciate their efforts and future endeavour.

By the way, I've absolutely got used to self-isolation life. A kinda routine life cycle has been fixed, so of course being flexible is also an asset to my predisposition. I doubt I'm susceptible to the situation in which circumstances change haphazardly. I always maintain a high level of emergency preparedness. Hopefully the situation here in Canberra won't deteriorate further regarding the Covid-19.

Thanks for reading today!

Have a splendid arvo, everyone!