G'day mate, how's it going? Today, what I am going to be touching on is why I think SVO is everything to communication in English. What does it really mean? Well, without further ado, let's elaborate it.
First and foremost, if you don't know how to start talking about who does/did what, then almost nothing you can do in order to communicate with each other. This is fundamentally important for every English learner to ensure that you can smoothly spell out what you wanna say. To this end, you've got to make sure you know how to formulate SVO. Other than that, all additional words, clauses or phrases are not necessarily needed when it comes to sending a message to someone. In fact, not many people are patiently listening to the details of what you are trying to say. I think they seem to pick up some key words to get the hang of what you are talking about, instead of listening to every word. So, if you can correctly say SVO, then you're totally awesome.
Next up, why I think this simple sentence is victorious in communication in English. Simply because, such a simplicity can ensure that pretty much no one misunderstands what you mean. Behind this, at the same time, you wanna be a little bit laid-back about the complexity of sentence structure comprising grammar, vocabulary, and even contents, precisely because the more complex and specific you wanna explain, the trickier you'll face when it comes to constructing correct sentences. Quite often this happens to academic writing like too formal or academic, which might somehow ruin the real meaning or message of what you wanted to say. Simply such an esoteric written work isn't being liked by everyone but only amongst academia. You don't wanna be such an esotericist who obfuscates intended messages. And, actually, the meaning of what you wanna say tends often be unclear or even unintelligible if grammar or word choice is wonky. So just be super careful if you wanna speak English in too formal tones.
In conclusion, you can eliminate all additional or in most cases redundant words, phrases or complex sentence structures. Instead, you just say SVO, which is the most lucid and the quickest to make people understand when it comes to speaking and writing as well. Unless you're super confident about grammar, pronunciation, word choice as well as oral fluency, you'd better not use any complex sentence and too specific word or phrase. This is probably the safest and fastest orientation for you to get a next level of speaking proficiency.
Thanks for reading my English blog. Catch ya later folks.