
Tentative project contents preceding my debut as a YouTuber 1st July 2020


G'day mate, how are you? Today, I am going to talk about interim project contents preceding my debut as a YouTuber 1st July 2020 onwards. Turned the beginning of 40s, I wanted to challenge something new. One of them is to go for a YouTuber, which is a kind of formidable challenge, but let me give it a shot whatever may betide. This sort of opportunity only knocks once, I reckon. So, I shall force myself to execute this challenge! Here are some of my tentative project contents I will be covering towards the end of 2020.

Basically, every time I set up a small theme and give an impromptu internal monologue at home or outside, depending upon my feeling and weather condition

The principle of making my debut as a YouTuber is to demonstrate how I boost my English speaking confidence and comprehensive skills improvising some small talks within approximately 10 mins or two. I may make some mistakes during the talk, but that's totally fine, because making mistakes is obviously a good indication of how I should improve for the next talk. Every time gives me some tips, which is a fantastic opportunity. So, I'd like to sort of teach you as to how to do internal monologue. But, of course, to do so it is prerequisite that you've already gained some basic English knowledge such as basic grammar rules, basic vocabularies, as well as decent pronunciation.

I might sometimes go outside and introduce the city of Capital City (Canberra), AUSTRALIA🇦🇺🐨

I've been living in Australia for approximately 11 years, so I've sort of known about Australia well. Probably, I can virtually show you around the beauty of Canberra in the combination of English with Japanese. Hopefully, lockdown will be completely gone soon. By the way, not many Japanese know about which city is Australia's capital city. Sydney? No never. Melbourne? Yes, but it was just ephemeral before Canberra was established in March 1913. I want you to know some histories of Canberra as well, so I try to visit some Museums located in Canberra. I'd like to do a kind of PR campaign about how Canberra is suitable for those looking for a study-abroad plan, working holiday or trip. Nature, winery, cycling, jogging, drinking are the hallmarks of Capital city.

I might sometimes visit and introduce recommended hidden places around Canberra

Although I've been living in Canberra totally for around 6 years, there are still couple of places I've never been to, I mean some local cafes, restaurants, shops, etc. So, it's really exciting to search for some other hidden spots, and interview someone there if possible.

I might sometimes go for a bike-ride (on or off road) and make comments on the course I am riding (live or recorded)

As you may or may not know, I've been an avid-cyclist for nearly two decades. Unfortunately, I've sold my previous road bike, so I've got only decent MTB (a hardtail) at the moment. On-road cycling is not quite fun for me, but I want to show you some famous on-road cycling courses. However, I mainly try to go inside natural reserves and ride MTB courses. If you watch my cycling courses and places, you'll be amazed and find it interesting in visiting Canberra and biking here in the future. That's exactly what I aim at.

I might sometimes have special guests whether they are famous or not, and we discuss something particular topic or freely via Skype or live

Basically, my objective of doing my YouTube is to show you how I do my internal monologue on a daily basis. But, sometimes it's great to have someone joining my YouTube channel, and discuss something interesting. Of course, this is totally common on YouTube, but I try to differentiate from the ways of other YouTubers. I am not sure at the moment, but will see what I can. Maybe a location? Maybe a way of debating? Maybe inviting a unique guest?

That's pretty much about what I will be doing on YouTube. If you have comments on this, or some particular requests regarding English or anything else, please feel free to leave some comments here, or give me DMs. Cheers.

Thanks for reading today!

Have a lovely Sunday!