
The way I write my blog from tomorrow


G'day mate, what are you up to? Today, I am going to talk about how I write my blog from tomorrow onwards. No much will be changed though. From tomorrow, I will start writing both English and Japanese. The main purpose is to write in English, so of course writing in English is more frequent than Japanese, but maybe two days (English) and one day (Japanese) to make sure English-speaking readers will not depart from my blog page permanently.

So, it means that the frequency of writing in Japanese will be lower than the period when I was writing my blogs on Ameba blog (a Japanese blog site). However, this my new blog site via Wordpress is also likely to be sorta akin to Ameblo, I reckon.

By the way, if you are keen on reading my old Ameblo blogs, just return this page and click 'Japanese Blog' at menu page, so you can have a look at them in a chronological order (from the oldest to the latest). I mainly wrote in Japanese, but sometimes did write in English, so for those who cannot read Japanese, there shouldn't be much problematic. I do appreciate it if you could read my blogs and leave some comments on that.

Ok, that's all for today. Tomorrow, I will write in English, then English, Japanese, English, English, and Japanese...something like that. But, sometimes I purposefully mix English with Japanese, so non-Japanese speakers can presumably get the gist of what I want to say.

Thanks for reading today!
