Wanna be good at writing? Then, fix your pronunciation

G'day, how are you going mate? Today, I have to say, if you want to be adept at writing, then make sure you get your pronunciation right. Otherwise, it's gonna take far much longer to be able to reach the level at which you'd like to be. Well, let's get dive into it, shall we?

Yes, we know, pretty much everyone knows that we haven't specifically learnt phonemic symbols almost at all. This is already proven that we cannot write English sentences correctly. Of course, not just getting pronunciation right, but getting accustomed to correct grammar rules when it comes to, particularly, practical arenas as well. It's totally a waste of time if you just write down the word you wanna memorise ten times, fifty times, or even hundred times. Even if you stick to doing like this, you won't be able to speak and write the same level of English sentences in a practical way. This is simply because that you don't know how to pronounce phonemic symbols.

Thanks to the deficient of pronunciation skills, you will lose so much opportunity like reading aloud, speaking to yourself, and even the entire listening stuff. On the other hand, if you can pronounce all symbols correctly, then there won't be any issue at all when it comes to basic communication regardless of how good your grammar and vocabulary knowledge are. Someone says like "you don't have to learn phonemic symbols and your pronunciation doesn't have to be perfect." Yes, that might be true if you are born and raised in an English-speaking country. This is genuinely the only possibility for you to be able to master pronunciation without learning and understanding phonemic symbols at all. You don't have to have 100 per cent accurate pronunciation for communication, but at least 80 per cent accuracy is necessary.

By the same token, writing requires you to have a good understanding of pronunciation. Why? Because, it's going to be extremely hard to get the spelling right without better understanding of the relationship between phonemic symbols and spelling. This is critical but at the same time indispensable for getting the situation where you can write any sort of English sentences freely without recalling just spelling only. Yes, you can whereby you just remember the spelling, but whether or not you can speak English instantaneously is highly dubious. Well, there'll be almost no alternative but to learn and understand phonemic symbols in the first place.

Just to recap what I've mentioned today. No knowledge of phonemic symbols, no writing and speaking skill you are gonna have. This is apparently not an over-exaggeration of how significant having a good understanding and accuracy of phonemic symbols you could actually enunciate should be. You'll see how your English skills in the immediate future is gonna be. If you'd enquire about how to fix pronunciation or just general things, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for reading my blog. Catch ya later mate!