
What I think after starting an English business


Good morning. By the way, today I would like to look back on the past 10 months. The reason I started my English business is because I just like English. Of course, I'm also interested in teaching English to people, and in fact I've taught IELTS even before I started this business. However, as for IELTS, I haven't acquired 4 skills straight for all 8.0, so I taught only those who aim for Up to 7.5.M

Of course, I was worried about attracting new students, and I did a lot of trial and error, such as creating course materials and improving the teaching style. It's still half a serving, but I think we should continue to expand our business. In addition to the guidance that guides the PTE exam pass, I am thinking of strengthening my general English in the future. Many of the students who are currently taking my course have problems with grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. You can learn vocabulary from etymology and grammar from grammar books on your own, but pronunciation correction is not so easy.

When it comes to pronunciation, sounds that aren't in Japanese are difficult. In the first place, there are many people who are confused with pronunciation and accent. Accents are the way Japanese speaks, such as how to use the throat and intonation. One pronunciation has nothing to do with it. If you make a sound according to the phonetic symbols, which are said to be 44-50 ways, you can usually understand it natively without any problem. Pronunciation is universal. Of course, as an exception, katakana pronunciation is a pronunciation problem. Accents vary from country to country. There is currently one Italian student, but his accent is quite typical Italian. For example, the place to put intonation is different from English. Japanese people have more monotones, but Europeans have a lot of intonation, but the place is a little bit. That has a significant effect on scoring the item called fluency in the speaking exam.

By the way, I teach English to people from various countries, but the more I teach, the more I will be able to reveal what I need to improve (sweat). I think every day is a learning time for me as well. The interaction with the students is very fun now!

While teaching the students, I still have to improve my skills in colloquial expression, vocabulary, and communication manners. I feel once again that learning English is an item that should be continued throughout my life. I don't know how old I can continue to be an English tutor, but I'll keep looking up and push forward until I'm satisfied. Do you do it until you die? !! Lol

We look forward to working with you in the future. If you have a look at my blog and are worried about learning English, would like to study abroad, or have any questions about your visa in Australia, please feel free to email me. Please feel free to contact us as we offer free consultation. Twitter has also resumed this year and is making full-scale efforts, so please check it out.

Thank you for reading the blog until the end.