What should be done during study-abroad?

G'day mate. How have you been? Today, I am going to talk about what you should do during your study-abroad. Not only should you enjoy your stay, you should also take into consideration other things. If you are planning to acquire a uni degree like Bachelor's or Master's or even PhD, then you ought to be determined to study extremely hard, while if you are just studying the English language at a language school, then you can more like chill out a new vibe. Let's explain what some of the other things are.

You've got to make sure that you always maintain a good English environment at home even if you are already in an English-speaking country

It's hardly believed that if you were staying in an English-speaking country for a year, then you would be able to speak English fluently. No, it's absolutely a piece of rubbish argument. Don't get me wrong here. I am not saying it's impossible. But, just staying there for a year won't improve your English skills automatically. You need to be resolved to have an intensive exposure to an English environment as much as you possibly could. No one willingly helps orchestrate this sort of ambience on your behalf, so you can't have a high expectation towards such a natural improvement of the English language skills. Your dedication, perseverance and even sacrifice will certainly prevail in the end when it comes to your study-abroad. Be ambitious!

You've got to make sure that you try to forge a relationship with other international students

Had it not been for the strong relationship with other students at uni, I would not have successfully completed three Master's degrees in Australia. Bloody oath! Sometimes, however, I needed to enjoy the extent of solitude moment for some particular assignments. But nevertheless, normally I needed buddies to cooperate with each other, ensuring that we, for instance, could exchange our ideas like brainstorming, which has a synergy effect. Apart from your study concern, you can ask for any medical help or emergency. If you are always alone, you are going to be in trouble, and worst of all, if you cannot speak English very well, then you are likely to encounter dire consequences. Therefore, please make friends as many as you possible can for your life saving.

You've got to make sure that you try to join local events to learn new cultures

There are heaps of local events out there if you are staying in a different country. You should maximise the possibility of learning new cultures. It's nonsense if you are always studying at home, watching Youtube, Netflix or idiot box. I am not saying you should not, but at least at weekends you should go out and participate in some local events. You can even make new friends there. There is nothing to lose for you.

You've got to make sure that you try to engage in a casual or part-time job at a local company

It's great if you engage in work at a local company. You can learn the local business culture, improve your communication skills, have the possibility of getting a full employment after your study. It doesn't really matter whatever you do, but ideally not a company that you can communicate with each other in your language. For me, I worked as a cycling team assistant job in Canberra when I was studying a Master's degree harking back to 2010-2012. That was a precious experience and memorable. I want you to have this sort of experience during your study-abroad.

You've got to make sure that you try to go for a bike-ride around the town

Personally, I did it quite often and enjoyed enormously. You could appreciate further the city's environment, architecture, nature and human, if you not just walk around but do a bike-ride. You'll feel a different sense of appreciation riding a push-bike. I used to be a semi-professional cyclist, so I can even teach how to ride a bike safely and professionally here in Australia. You also possibly want to have a car, but not recommend it, as it's really costly, risky and unhealthy. Trust me, you can enjoy your study-abroad life immensely, but also you can de-stress significantly if you ride a push-bike at every weekends. Very beneficial!!

That's all for today. Thanks for reading!

Have a lovely Sunday.