
Why reading aloud without understanding the 44 sounds of English pronunciation is a no-good way?


G'day mate. How's it going? Today, I am going to talk about why reading aloud without understanding the 44 sounds of English pronunciation is a no-good way? I introduced 5 no-good ways of English learning yesterday, and I'd like to elaborate each from today. If you are already upper intermediate level, then you've thoroughly understood the importance of pronunciation. Anyway, let's get started.

It's going to be extremely difficult for English learners to refine pronunciations you are persistently mispronouncing but you continue to do read aloud without putting effort into improving

Once you've got to used to mispronunciations, it's going to be so hard to fix them, depending on your age, experience, predisposition, and attitude towards learning. For instance, unlike children, adults tend to be a bit inflexible about absorbing new things, especially something that you've got your own way or system. I understand, however, that you want to practise speaking by reading aloud on a daily basis. Nevertheless, it's important to keep in mind the fact that you understand all sounds of phonetic symbols and practise the sounds until you're able to pronounce them correctly. From my past experience, it should take a few months to master the 44 sounds, depending on how many sounds you are mispronouncing. I'm offering a specific program, so if you are interested in, please feel free to contact me.

It's going to be extremely difficult for English leaners to boost your English ability if you don't analyse what you perform doing read aloud

Just doing read aloud is not enough to be able to correctly develop your English ability. What you should do is to record yourself, use a voice recognition function, check speech speed, voice wavelength, (un)necessary pause, the number of hesitation, smoothness, etc. First of all, self-analysis is your priority. But for self-analysis, it'd be totally unthinkable for anyone to improve English skills. And, then if you can, it's recommendable to ask someone who's non-native speaker and proficient in English whether your performance is correctly improving or not.

It's going to be extremely difficult for English learners to precisely understand the words or expressions English news anchors are saying if you are still mispronouncing some particular sounds

It's not possible for anyone to completely master the 44 sounds soonish, but at least if you want to watch English news or movies, you may do so, but simultaneously you ought to put extra effort into refining the sounds you are mispronouncing. So, just enjoying watching TV won't give you a chance to improve English skills automatically. You need to have a separate practice. Otherwise, you will hardly notice whether you are improving or not. A regular performance review is needed for every English learners if you really want to boost English skills seriously. Please grab IPA phonetic symbol lists and check them whether you can enunciate each properly, which is your first step.

Your oral fluency and rhythm are likely to be wonky if you haven't understood the 44 sounds, and worst of all you don't notice and feel like you are doing ok

It might take heaps of time to improve English ability if you haven't understood the 44 sounds properly, nor have you cared about them when you are doing read aloud. Some of you may think how pronunciation is intertwined with oral fluency and rhythm. But, the closer you have a look at the importance of English pronunciation, the more serious you will feel why it is important to boost your oral fluency and rectify rhythm for your read aloud practice. Oral fluency doesn't not just mean how smoothly you speak, but how clearly and accurately you enunciate at the end of a word or sentence such as the end of a verb like -s, -ed, or -ing sounds. In contrast, rhythm is a bit different angle, which includes phrasing. Phrasing means how smoothly you speak without unnecessary pause and hesitation. In my English program, I check pretty much everything that needs to be done. Please let me know if you are curious about how I do for you.

That's all for today! Thanks for reading.

Have a good one mate!