
You don't have to be 'perfect'.


When it comes to anything, you don't have to be 'perfect'. If you force yourself to be like this, the situation naturally deteriorates further, right? For me, I always don't care, or specifically speaking, I try my best to be semi-perfect to alleviate any stress or pressure, which is my go-to attitude towards pretty much everything in my life. Not merely are we living under sorta pressure, but we are also obliged to cope with this effectively. To do so, what you should be doing is make sure you don't reckon wanna be 'perfect' under any circumstances. Pardon me, but nonetheless I've got to reiterate the paramount importance of this mentality.

Luckily I'd grown myself in a less competive society in Japan as I tried to eschew any academic competition and instead fully committed to playing volleyball during my childhood. Yes there's no doubt that the competitive society regarding academics provides you with a chance to become the elite in academia, which is still necessary in today's world; however, I don't think it's healthy when it comes to our human future. Anyway, sorrry to digress a bit from what I really wanted to convey today, but what I wanna say to you is this: you are already great person, and you are fine whoever you are as long as you are trying to achieve something in a positive way even if your steadfast effort and dedication haven't directly gone to what you really wanna attain. I'm pretty sure that they are never in vain. Keep it up!

For intance, speaking of English language, I've never ever tried to be 'perfect'. Making people understand is more than enough! The simpler words you use, the easier people understand you, which comes to fruition when it comes to the mastery of the English language.

That's all for today. I'll see you soon, hopefully. Fingure's crossed. Bye!