
Let's use "Chrome Browser" to check n improve your pronunciation


G'day, how are you, mate? I am very well indeed, and yourself? Today, what I'd like to talk about is to reintroduce one of the most spectacular websites, call "Chrome Browser" to you guys. I have probably already mentioned this before, but wanna tell you about it again, for those who probably don't know this website. Let's get into it.

Chrome Browser is, as some of you guys know, one of the best voice recognition websites out there. First, it's free to use. Second, there are around 50 different languages to choose from, and for English only there are 12 different English versions to choose from. For instance, I'm living in Australia, so I definitely want to check my English pronunciation against Australian English criteria, or standard Aussie English. I am not 100 per cent sure whether Chrome Browser really understands all Aussie slangs. But anyway, this website is super useful for all of you guys who are learning English and wish to improve pronunciation. Third, you don't need to use a headphone to let it recognise your voice. But, using a headphone obviously gives you better and more accurate results from Chrome Browser. Finally, Chrome Browser is presumably the most accurate and rigid checking system out there as opposed to some other counterparts such as Siri and Alexa.

When it comes to getting the most out of this website, you should read some articles aloud along with the use of this Chrome Browser. Yes indeed, you can just speak to this website whatever you come up with, which is totally fine unless you know as to which sounds need to be improved. But, otherwise, it's better to prepare some English sentences in front of you, and then check exactly which sounds you are pronouncing inaccurately or mispronouncing. It's going to be easy to find them and analyse why. At least, it's good to know your weak sounds. Even if you're good at pronouncing all sounds, Chrome Browser is still beneficial for improving connected speech, intonation as well as oral fluency. The more natural you speak to Chrome Browser, the better it can recognise your voice. So, you'll be able to perceive how important and critical these elements along with clear pronunciation are.

Overall, please just give it a whirl. In doing so, you won't be disappointed in the website, but maybe despondent about the results of how Chrome Browser accurately checks your pronunciation. Well, let's see how it's gonna be. For my job as an English tutor, I can give you some advice as to exactly how you should practise pronunciation. If you're interested in my private lesson, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for reading my blog. Chao.